Man convicted of murder on Saba extradited to OMBES

On 15 April 2015, 24-year-old medical student, Kavya Guda was murdered on Saba. In 2021 Senad C. was sentenced on appeal to 11 years of imprisonment for this crime. This verdict became final in December 2022.

As C. had initially been acquitted for this offence, he was at large during his trial. Since the sentence became final, the BES Public Prosecutor's Office has made efforts to trace C. in order to request his extradition. This investigation allowed C. to be traced in the United States. At the request of the Prosecutor's Office, the convict was arrested in the US and turned over to the BES Prosecutor's Office. On Friday 18 October, C. was successfully transferred from the US and detained at the JICN in Bonaire.

C. will spend the next 11 years serving his sentence, for this terrible crime, on Bonaire.