Criminal investigation launched into death of L.T.

A criminal investigation has been launched into the death of L.T., who was found dead in a House of Detention cell allocated to Mental Health Foundation at the Philipsburg Police Station on July 22, 2021.

This criminal investigation has resulted from the factfinding investigation of the National Detectives St. Maarten. The factfinding investigation was launched on the same day of L.T.’s death on the instruction of the Attorney-General.

The criminal investigation will look into the offences of possible culpable death (dood door schuld, art 2:282 Sr) and unlawful deprivation of liberty (wederrechtelijke vrijheidsberoving, art. 2:249 Sr). The investigation will also focus on the question of which government-department(s), legal entity/entities or natural person(s) should be regarded as a suspect(s) in this case.